
Reiki Certification Classes

Reiki Level One and Two Certification

Reiki Masters, Charmaine Kennedy and Sharon Alkenbrack, invite you to explore the benefits of Reiki, for yourself, your family and your practice.

Learn the gentle art of Reiki for relaxation and health benefits.

Physiologically, Reiki helps the body relax and the nervous system down regulates to calm the body. Relaxation is the beginning of the healing gateway. Reiki moves the body from a stress state to a state of rest/ digest /repair. Reiki complements all other healing practices.

Day One: Saturday May 27, 2023

Overview of Reiki: History, Guided Energy, The Attunement, Cleansing, Self-treatment, Auras, Chakras, Meridians, Scanning, Healing Attunement, Hand Positions for Self- Reiki, Scanning and Beaming

Day Two: Sunday May 28, 2023

Elements of Reiki, Symbols, Activating Symbols, Distant Healing, Goals, Giving a Complete Treatment, Developing Your Practice, Becoming a Reiki Master, Attunement, Reiki Treatment Practice

Cost: $350.00

Certificates are given for both days.

Deposit required as space is limited. Reiki Manual and snacks included. Bring a light lunch.

Please contact Charmaine @ (705) 929-4384 or visit the Tree to register or for more information. Payment may be made by e-transfer to: [email protected]