

Welcome to my Sacred Healing Space!

I have created this space for those who carry a desire for personal wellness and well-being through complementary healing practices.

After working through my own healing from trauma, I decided to share my experiences by being of service to others. I enrolled in college and received a diploma in the Social Service Worker Course. Fast forward five years in the field, I became disillusioned with the clinical, bureaucratic aspects of this work. I knew in my heart that there was a better way for me to work with others in a safe, non-judgmental, and compassionate manner.

“When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

Having discovered a passion for Reiki healing, I started a business to provide a safe space for my clients and other practitioners of complementary healing to share their practices. Thus, Tree of Life North, a Complementary Healing Center in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, was born!

I completed my Reiki Master/Teacher training to share these teachings with others. I continued to take courses in Pranic Healing, Shambala, Shamanism, and Trauma Healing to provide the best support for those who came to me for their healing work.

In January 2022, I sold the business, and in March 2022, my family and I moved to a rural area in Chelmsford, Ontario. I continue to hold space for others on their healing journeys and help them realize that we all have the power to heal ourselves.

Thank you for visiting! I look forward to spending time with you!

Blessings, Charmaine Kennedy